* fMP4 remuxer
import AAC from './aac-helper';
import MP4 from './mp4-generator';
import Event from '../events';
import { ErrorTypes, ErrorDetails } from '../errors';
import { toMsFromMpegTsClock, toMpegTsClockFromTimescale } from '../utils/timescale-conversion';
import { logger } from '../utils/logger';
const MAX_SILENT_FRAME_DURATION_90KHZ = toMpegTsClockFromTimescale(10);
const PTS_DTS_SHIFT_TOLERANCE_90KHZ = toMpegTsClockFromTimescale(0.2);
class MP4Remuxer {
constructor (observer, config, typeSupported, vendor) { = observer;
this.config = config;
this.typeSupported = typeSupported;
const userAgent = navigator.userAgent;
this.isSafari = vendor && vendor.indexOf('Apple') > -1 && userAgent && !userAgent.match('CriOS');
this.ISGenerated = false;
destroy () {
resetTimeStamp (defaultTimeStamp) {
this._initPTS = this._initDTS = defaultTimeStamp;
resetInitSegment () {
this.ISGenerated = false;
remux (audioTrack, videoTrack, id3Track, textTrack, timeOffset, contiguous, accurateTimeOffset) {
// generate Init Segment if needed
if (!this.ISGenerated) {
this.generateIS(audioTrack, videoTrack, timeOffset);
if (this.ISGenerated) {
const nbAudioSamples = audioTrack.samples.length;
const nbVideoSamples = videoTrack.samples.length;
let audioTimeOffset = timeOffset;
let videoTimeOffset = timeOffset;
if (nbAudioSamples && nbVideoSamples) {
// timeOffset is expected to be the offset of the first timestamp of this fragment (first DTS)
// if first audio DTS is not aligned with first video DTS then we need to take that into account
// when providing timeOffset to remuxAudio / remuxVideo. if we don't do that, there might be a permanent / small
// drift between audio and video streams
let audiovideoDeltaDts = (audioTrack.samples[0].pts - videoTrack.samples[0].pts) / videoTrack.inputTimeScale;
audioTimeOffset += Math.max(0, audiovideoDeltaDts);
videoTimeOffset += Math.max(0, -audiovideoDeltaDts);
// Purposefully remuxing audio before video, so that remuxVideo can use nextAudioPts, which is
// calculated in remuxAudio.
// logger.log('nb AAC samples:' + audioTrack.samples.length);
if (nbAudioSamples) {
// if initSegment was generated without video samples, regenerate it again
if (!audioTrack.timescale) {
logger.warn('regenerate InitSegment as audio detected');
this.generateIS(audioTrack, videoTrack, timeOffset);
let audioData = this.remuxAudio(audioTrack, audioTimeOffset, contiguous, accurateTimeOffset);
// logger.log('nb AVC samples:' + videoTrack.samples.length);
if (nbVideoSamples) {
let audioTrackLength;
if (audioData) {
audioTrackLength = audioData.endPTS - audioData.startPTS;
// if initSegment was generated without video samples, regenerate it again
if (!videoTrack.timescale) {
logger.warn('regenerate InitSegment as video detected');
this.generateIS(audioTrack, videoTrack, timeOffset);
this.remuxVideo(videoTrack, videoTimeOffset, contiguous, audioTrackLength, accurateTimeOffset);
} else {
// logger.log('nb AVC samples:' + videoTrack.samples.length);
if (nbVideoSamples) {
let videoData = this.remuxVideo(videoTrack, videoTimeOffset, contiguous, 0, accurateTimeOffset);
if (videoData && audioTrack.codec) {
this.remuxEmptyAudio(audioTrack, audioTimeOffset, contiguous, videoData);
// logger.log('nb ID3 samples:' + audioTrack.samples.length);
if (id3Track.samples.length) {
this.remuxID3(id3Track, timeOffset);
// logger.log('nb ID3 samples:' + audioTrack.samples.length);
if (textTrack.samples.length) {
this.remuxText(textTrack, timeOffset);
// notify end of parsing;
generateIS (audioTrack, videoTrack, timeOffset) {
let observer =,
audioSamples = audioTrack.samples,
videoSamples = videoTrack.samples,
typeSupported = this.typeSupported,
container = 'audio/mp4',
tracks = {},
data = { tracks },
computePTSDTS = (this._initPTS === undefined),
initPTS, initDTS;
if (computePTSDTS) {
initPTS = initDTS = Infinity;
if (audioTrack.config && audioSamples.length) {
// let's use audio sampling rate as MP4 time scale.
// rationale is that there is a integer nb of audio frames per audio sample (1024 for AAC)
// using audio sampling rate here helps having an integer MP4 frame duration
// this avoids potential rounding issue and AV sync issue
audioTrack.timescale = audioTrack.samplerate;
logger.log(`audio sampling rate : ${audioTrack.samplerate}`);
if (!audioTrack.isAAC) {
if (typeSupported.mpeg) { // Chrome and Safari
container = 'audio/mpeg';
audioTrack.codec = '';
} else if (typeSupported.mp3) { // Firefox
audioTrack.codec = 'mp3';
} = {
container: container,
codec: audioTrack.codec,
initSegment: !audioTrack.isAAC && typeSupported.mpeg ? new Uint8Array() : MP4.initSegment([audioTrack]),
metadata: {
channelCount: audioTrack.channelCount
if (computePTSDTS) {
// remember first PTS of this demuxing context. for audio, PTS = DTS
initPTS = initDTS = audioSamples[0].pts - Math.round(audioTrack.inputTimeScale * timeOffset);
if (videoTrack.sps && videoTrack.pps && videoSamples.length) {
// let's use input time scale as MP4 video timescale
// we use input time scale straight away to avoid rounding issues on frame duration / cts computation
const inputTimeScale = videoTrack.inputTimeScale;
videoTrack.timescale = inputTimeScale; = {
container: 'video/mp4',
codec: videoTrack.codec,
initSegment: MP4.initSegment([videoTrack]),
metadata: {
width: videoTrack.width,
height: videoTrack.height
if (computePTSDTS) {
const startPTS = Math.round(inputTimeScale * timeOffset);
initPTS = Math.min(initPTS, videoSamples[0].pts - startPTS);
initDTS = Math.min(initDTS, videoSamples[0].dts - startPTS);, { initPTS });
} else if (computePTSDTS && {
// initPTS found for audio-only stream with main and alt audio, { initPTS });
if (Object.keys(tracks).length) {
observer.trigger(Event.FRAG_PARSING_INIT_SEGMENT, data);
this.ISGenerated = true;
if (computePTSDTS) {
this._initPTS = initPTS;
this._initDTS = initDTS;
} else {
observer.trigger(Event.ERROR, { type: ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR, details: ErrorDetails.FRAG_PARSING_ERROR, fatal: false, reason: 'no audio/video samples found' });
remuxVideo (track, timeOffset, contiguous, audioTrackLength, accurateTimeOffset) {
let offset = 8;
let mp4SampleDuration;
let mdat;
let moof;
let firstDTS;
let lastDTS;
let minPTS = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
let maxPTS = -Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
const timeScale = track.timescale;
const inputSamples = track.samples;
const outputSamples = [];
const nbSamples = inputSamples.length;
const ptsNormalize = this._PTSNormalize;
const initPTS = this._initPTS;
// if parsed fragment is contiguous with last one, let's use last DTS value as reference
let nextAvcDts = this.nextAvcDts;
const isSafari = this.isSafari;
if (nbSamples === 0) {
// Safari does not like overlapping DTS on consecutive fragments. let's use nextAvcDts to overcome this if fragments are consecutive
if (isSafari) {
// also consider consecutive fragments as being contiguous (even if a level switch occurs),
// for sake of clarity:
// consecutive fragments are frags with
// - less than 100ms gaps between new time offset (if accurate) and next expected PTS OR
// - less than 200 ms PTS gaps (timeScale/5)
contiguous |= (inputSamples.length && nextAvcDts &&
((accurateTimeOffset && Math.abs(timeOffset - nextAvcDts / timeScale) < 0.1) ||
Math.abs((inputSamples[0].pts - nextAvcDts - initPTS)) < timeScale / 5)
if (!contiguous) {
// if not contiguous, let's use target timeOffset
nextAvcDts = timeOffset * timeScale;
// PTS is coded on 33bits, and can loop from -2^32 to 2^32
// ptsNormalize will make PTS/DTS value monotonic, we use last known DTS value as reference value
inputSamples.forEach(function (sample) {
sample.pts = ptsNormalize(sample.pts - initPTS, nextAvcDts);
sample.dts = ptsNormalize(sample.dts - initPTS, nextAvcDts);
minPTS = Math.min(sample.pts, minPTS);
maxPTS = Math.max(sample.pts, maxPTS);
// sort video samples by DTS then PTS then demux id order
inputSamples.sort(function (a, b) {
const deltadts = a.dts - b.dts;
const deltapts = a.pts - b.pts;
return deltadts || (deltapts || ( -;
// handle broken streams with PTS < DTS, tolerance up 0.2 seconds
let PTSDTSshift = inputSamples.reduce((prev, curr) => Math.max(Math.min(prev, curr.pts - curr.dts), -1 * PTS_DTS_SHIFT_TOLERANCE_90KHZ), 0);
if (PTSDTSshift < 0) {
logger.warn(`PTS < DTS detected in video samples, shifting DTS by ${toMsFromMpegTsClock(PTSDTSshift, true)} ms to overcome this issue`);
for (let i = 0; i < inputSamples.length; i++) {
inputSamples[i].dts = Math.max(0, inputSamples[i].dts + PTSDTSshift);
// Get first/last DTS
firstDTS = inputSamples[0].dts;
lastDTS = inputSamples[inputSamples.length - 1].dts;
// check timestamp continuity across consecutive fragments (this is to remove inter-fragment gap/hole)
const delta = firstDTS - nextAvcDts;
// if fragment are contiguous, detect hole/overlapping between fragments
if (contiguous) {
const foundHole = delta > 2;
const foundOverlap = delta < -1;
if (foundHole || foundOverlap) {
if (foundHole) {
logger.warn(`AVC: ${toMsFromMpegTsClock(delta, true)}ms (${delta}dts) hole between fragments detected, filling it`);
} else {
logger.warn(`AVC: ${toMsFromMpegTsClock(-delta, true)}ms (${delta}dts) overlapping between fragments detected`);
firstDTS = nextAvcDts;
minPTS -= delta;
inputSamples[0].dts = firstDTS;
inputSamples[0].pts = minPTS;
logger.log(`Video: PTS/DTS adjusted: ${toMsFromMpegTsClock(minPTS, true)}/${toMsFromMpegTsClock(firstDTS, true)}, delta: ${toMsFromMpegTsClock(delta, true)} ms`);
// on Safari let's signal the same sample duration for all samples
// sample duration (as expected by trun MP4 boxes), should be the delta between sample DTS
// set this constant duration as being the avg delta between consecutive DTS.
if (isSafari) {
mp4SampleDuration = Math.round((lastDTS - firstDTS) / (inputSamples.length - 1));
// Clamp first DTS to 0 so that we're still aligning on initPTS,
// and not passing negative values to MP4.traf. This will change initial frame compositionTimeOffset!
firstDTS = Math.max(firstDTS, 0);
let nbNalu = 0, naluLen = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < nbSamples; i++) {
// compute total/avc sample length and nb of NAL units
let sample = inputSamples[i], units = sample.units, nbUnits = units.length, sampleLen = 0;
for (let j = 0; j < nbUnits; j++) {
sampleLen += units[j].data.length;
naluLen += sampleLen;
nbNalu += nbUnits;
sample.length = sampleLen;
// normalize PTS/DTS
if (isSafari) {
// sample DTS is computed using a constant decoding offset (mp4SampleDuration) between samples
sample.dts = firstDTS + i * mp4SampleDuration;
} else {
// ensure sample monotonic DTS
sample.dts = Math.max(sample.dts, firstDTS);
// ensure that computed value is greater or equal than sample DTS
sample.pts = Math.max(sample.pts, sample.dts);
/* concatenate the video data and construct the mdat in place
(need 8 more bytes to fill length and mpdat type) */
let mdatSize = naluLen + (4 * nbNalu) + 8;
try {
mdat = new Uint8Array(mdatSize);
} catch (err) {, { type: ErrorTypes.MUX_ERROR, details: ErrorDetails.REMUX_ALLOC_ERROR, fatal: false, bytes: mdatSize, reason: `fail allocating video mdat ${mdatSize}` });
let view = new DataView(mdat.buffer);
view.setUint32(0, mdatSize);
mdat.set(MP4.types.mdat, 4);
for (let i = 0; i < nbSamples; i++) {
let avcSample = inputSamples[i],
avcSampleUnits = avcSample.units,
mp4SampleLength = 0,
// convert NALU bitstream to MP4 format (prepend NALU with size field)
for (let j = 0, nbUnits = avcSampleUnits.length; j < nbUnits; j++) {
let unit = avcSampleUnits[j],
unitData =,
unitDataLen =;
view.setUint32(offset, unitDataLen);
offset += 4;
mdat.set(unitData, offset);
offset += unitDataLen;
mp4SampleLength += 4 + unitDataLen;
if (!isSafari) {
// expected sample duration is the Decoding Timestamp diff of consecutive samples
if (i < nbSamples - 1) {
mp4SampleDuration = inputSamples[i + 1].dts - avcSample.dts;
} else {
let config = this.config,
lastFrameDuration = avcSample.dts - inputSamples[i > 0 ? i - 1 : i].dts;
if (config.stretchShortVideoTrack) {
// In some cases, a segment's audio track duration may exceed the video track duration.
// Since we've already remuxed audio, and we know how long the audio track is, we look to
// see if the delta to the next segment is longer than maxBufferHole.
// If so, playback would potentially get stuck, so we artificially inflate
// the duration of the last frame to minimize any potential gap between segments.
let maxBufferHole = config.maxBufferHole,
gapTolerance = Math.floor(maxBufferHole * timeScale),
deltaToFrameEnd = (audioTrackLength ? minPTS + audioTrackLength * timeScale : this.nextAudioPts) - avcSample.pts;
if (deltaToFrameEnd > gapTolerance) {
// We subtract lastFrameDuration from deltaToFrameEnd to try to prevent any video
// frame overlap. maxBufferHole should be >> lastFrameDuration anyway.
mp4SampleDuration = deltaToFrameEnd - lastFrameDuration;
if (mp4SampleDuration < 0) {
mp4SampleDuration = lastFrameDuration;
logger.log(`It is approximately ${toMsFromMpegTsClock(deltaToFrameEnd, false)} ms to the next segment; using duration ${toMsFromMpegTsClock(mp4SampleDuration, false)} ms for the last video frame.`);
} else {
mp4SampleDuration = lastFrameDuration;
} else {
mp4SampleDuration = lastFrameDuration;
compositionTimeOffset = Math.round(avcSample.pts - avcSample.dts);
} else {
compositionTimeOffset = Math.max(0, mp4SampleDuration * Math.round((avcSample.pts - avcSample.dts) / mp4SampleDuration));
// console.log('PTS/DTS/initDTS/normPTS/normDTS/relative PTS : ${avcSample.pts}/${avcSample.dts}/${initDTS}/${ptsnorm}/${dtsnorm}/${(avcSample.pts/4294967296).toFixed(3)}');
size: mp4SampleLength,
// constant duration
duration: mp4SampleDuration,
cts: compositionTimeOffset,
flags: {
isLeading: 0,
isDependedOn: 0,
hasRedundancy: 0,
degradPrio: 0,
dependsOn: avcSample.key ? 2 : 1,
isNonSync: avcSample.key ? 0 : 1
// next AVC sample DTS should be equal to last sample DTS + last sample duration (in PES timescale)
this.nextAvcDts = lastDTS + mp4SampleDuration;
let dropped = track.dropped;
track.nbNalu = 0;
track.dropped = 0;
if (outputSamples.length && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('chrome') > -1) {
let flags = outputSamples[0].flags;
// chrome workaround, mark first sample as being a Random Access Point to avoid sourcebuffer append issue
flags.dependsOn = 2;
flags.isNonSync = 0;
track.samples = outputSamples;
moof = MP4.moof(track.sequenceNumber++, firstDTS, track);
track.samples = [];
let data = {
data1: moof,
data2: mdat,
startPTS: minPTS / timeScale,
endPTS: (maxPTS + mp4SampleDuration) / timeScale,
startDTS: firstDTS / timeScale,
endDTS: this.nextAvcDts / timeScale,
type: 'video',
hasAudio: false,
hasVideo: true,
nb: outputSamples.length,
dropped: dropped
};, data);
return data;
remuxAudio (track, timeOffset, contiguous, accurateTimeOffset) {
const inputTimeScale = track.inputTimeScale;
const mp4timeScale = track.timescale;
const scaleFactor = inputTimeScale / mp4timeScale;
const mp4SampleDuration = track.isAAC ? 1024 : 1152;
const inputSampleDuration = mp4SampleDuration * scaleFactor;
const ptsNormalize = this._PTSNormalize;
const initPTS = this._initPTS;
const rawMPEG = !track.isAAC && this.typeSupported.mpeg;
let mp4Sample;
let fillFrame;
let mdat;
let moof;
let firstPTS;
let lastPTS;
let offset = (rawMPEG ? 0 : 8);
let inputSamples = track.samples;
let outputSamples = [];
let nextAudioPts = this.nextAudioPts;
// for audio samples, also consider consecutive fragments as being contiguous (even if a level switch occurs),
// for sake of clarity:
// consecutive fragments are frags with
// - less than 100ms gaps between new time offset (if accurate) and next expected PTS OR
// - less than 20 audio frames distance
// contiguous fragments are consecutive fragments from same quality level (same level, new SN = old SN + 1)
// this helps ensuring audio continuity
// and this also avoids audio glitches/cut when switching quality, or reporting wrong duration on first audio frame
contiguous |= (inputSamples.length && nextAudioPts &&
((accurateTimeOffset && Math.abs(timeOffset - nextAudioPts / inputTimeScale) < 0.1) ||
Math.abs((inputSamples[0].pts - nextAudioPts - initPTS)) < 20 * inputSampleDuration)
// compute normalized PTS
inputSamples.forEach(function (sample) {
sample.pts = sample.dts = ptsNormalize(sample.pts - initPTS, timeOffset * inputTimeScale);
// filter out sample with negative PTS that are not playable anyway
// if we don't remove these negative samples, they will shift all audio samples forward.
// leading to audio overlap between current / next fragment
inputSamples = inputSamples.filter(function (sample) {
return sample.pts >= 0;
// in case all samples have negative PTS, and have been filtered out, return now
if (inputSamples.length === 0) {
if (!contiguous) {
if (!accurateTimeOffset) {
// if frag are mot contiguous and if we cant trust time offset, let's use first sample PTS as next audio PTS
nextAudioPts = inputSamples[0].pts;
} else {
// if timeOffset is accurate, let's use it as predicted next audio PTS
nextAudioPts = timeOffset * inputTimeScale;
// If the audio track is missing samples, the frames seem to get "left-shifted" within the
// resulting mp4 segment, causing sync issues and leaving gaps at the end of the audio segment.
// In an effort to prevent this from happening, we inject frames here where there are gaps.
// When possible, we inject a silent frame; when that's not possible, we duplicate the last
// frame.
if (track.isAAC) {
const maxAudioFramesDrift = this.config.maxAudioFramesDrift;
for (let i = 0, nextPts = nextAudioPts; i < inputSamples.length;) {
// First, let's see how far off this frame is from where we expect it to be
var sample = inputSamples[i], delta;
let pts = sample.pts;
delta = pts - nextPts;
// If we're overlapping by more than a duration, drop this sample
if (delta <= -maxAudioFramesDrift * inputSampleDuration) {
if (contiguous) {
logger.warn(`Dropping 1 audio frame @ ${toMsFromMpegTsClock(nextPts, true) / 1000}s due to ${toMsFromMpegTsClock(delta, true)} ms overlap.`);
inputSamples.splice(i, 1);
// Don't touch nextPtsNorm or i
} else {
// When changing qualities we can't trust that audio has been appended up to nextAudioPts
// Warn about the overlap but do not drop samples as that can introduce buffer gaps
logger.warn(`Audio frame @ ${toMsFromMpegTsClock(pts, true) / 1000}s overlaps nextAudioPts by ${toMsFromMpegTsClock(delta, true)} ms.`);
nextPts = pts + inputSampleDuration;
} // eslint-disable-line brace-style
// Insert missing frames if:
// 1: We're more than maxAudioFramesDrift frame away
// 2: Not more than MAX_SILENT_FRAME_DURATION away
// 3: currentTime (aka nextPtsNorm) is not 0
else if (delta >= maxAudioFramesDrift * inputSampleDuration && delta < MAX_SILENT_FRAME_DURATION_90KHZ && nextPts) {
let missing = Math.round(delta / inputSampleDuration);
logger.warn(`Injecting ${missing} audio frames @ ${toMsFromMpegTsClock(nextPts, true) / 1000}s due to ${toMsFromMpegTsClock(delta, true)} ms gap.`);
for (let j = 0; j < missing; j++) {
let newStamp = Math.max(nextPts, 0);
fillFrame = AAC.getSilentFrame(track.manifestCodec || track.codec, track.channelCount);
if (!fillFrame) {
logger.log('Unable to get silent frame for given audio codec; duplicating last frame instead.');
fillFrame = sample.unit.subarray();
inputSamples.splice(i, 0, { unit: fillFrame, pts: newStamp, dts: newStamp });
nextPts += inputSampleDuration;
// Adjust sample to next expected pts
sample.pts = sample.dts = nextPts;
nextPts += inputSampleDuration;
} else {
// Otherwise, just adjust pts
if (Math.abs(delta) > (0.1 * inputSampleDuration)) {
// logger.log(`Invalid frame delta ${Math.round(delta + inputSampleDuration)} at PTS ${Math.round(pts / 90)} (should be ${Math.round(inputSampleDuration)}).`);
sample.pts = sample.dts = nextPts;
nextPts += inputSampleDuration;
// compute mdat size, as we eventually filtered/added some samples
let nbSamples = inputSamples.length;
let mdatSize = 0;
while (nbSamples--) {
mdatSize += inputSamples[nbSamples].unit.byteLength;
for (let j = 0, nbSamples = inputSamples.length; j < nbSamples; j++) {
let audioSample = inputSamples[j];
let unit = audioSample.unit;
let pts = audioSample.pts;
// logger.log(`Audio/PTS:${toMsFromMpegTsClock(pts, true)}`);
// if not first sample
if (lastPTS !== undefined && mp4Sample) {
mp4Sample.duration = Math.round((pts - lastPTS) / scaleFactor);
} else {
let delta = pts - nextAudioPts;
let numMissingFrames = 0;
// if fragment are contiguous, detect hole/overlapping between fragments
// contiguous fragments are consecutive fragments from same quality level (same level, new SN = old SN + 1)
if (contiguous && track.isAAC) {
// log delta
if (delta) {
if (delta > 0 && delta < MAX_SILENT_FRAME_DURATION_90KHZ) {
// Q: why do we have to round here, shouldn't this always result in an integer if timestamps are correct,
// and if not, shouldn't we actually Math.ceil() instead?
numMissingFrames = Math.round((pts - nextAudioPts) / inputSampleDuration);
logger.log(`${toMsFromMpegTsClock(delta, true)} ms hole between AAC samples detected,filling it`);
if (numMissingFrames > 0) {
fillFrame = AAC.getSilentFrame(track.manifestCodec || track.codec, track.channelCount);
if (!fillFrame) {
fillFrame = unit.subarray();
mdatSize += numMissingFrames * fillFrame.length;
// if we have frame overlap, overlapping for more than half a frame duraion
} else if (delta < -12) {
// drop overlapping audio frames... browser will deal with it
logger.log(`drop overlapping AAC sample, expected/parsed/delta: ${toMsFromMpegTsClock(nextAudioPts, true)} ms / ${toMsFromMpegTsClock(pts, true)} ms / ${toMsFromMpegTsClock(-delta, true)} ms`);
mdatSize -= unit.byteLength;
// set PTS/DTS to expected PTS/DTS
pts = nextAudioPts;
// remember first PTS of our audioSamples
firstPTS = pts;
if (mdatSize > 0) {
mdatSize += offset;
try {
mdat = new Uint8Array(mdatSize);
} catch (err) {, { type: ErrorTypes.MUX_ERROR, details: ErrorDetails.REMUX_ALLOC_ERROR, fatal: false, bytes: mdatSize, reason: `fail allocating audio mdat ${mdatSize}` });
if (!rawMPEG) {
const view = new DataView(mdat.buffer);
view.setUint32(0, mdatSize);
mdat.set(MP4.types.mdat, 4);
} else {
// no audio samples
for (let i = 0; i < numMissingFrames; i++) {
fillFrame = AAC.getSilentFrame(track.manifestCodec || track.codec, track.channelCount);
if (!fillFrame) {
logger.log('Unable to get silent frame for given audio codec; duplicating this frame instead.');
fillFrame = unit.subarray();
mdat.set(fillFrame, offset);
offset += fillFrame.byteLength;
mp4Sample = {
size: fillFrame.byteLength,
cts: 0,
duration: 1024,
flags: {
isLeading: 0,
isDependedOn: 0,
hasRedundancy: 0,
degradPrio: 0,
dependsOn: 1
mdat.set(unit, offset);
let unitLen = unit.byteLength;
offset += unitLen;
// console.log('PTS/DTS/initDTS/normPTS/normDTS/relative PTS : ${audioSample.pts}/${audioSample.dts}/${initDTS}/${ptsnorm}/${dtsnorm}/${(audioSample.pts/4294967296).toFixed(3)}');
mp4Sample = {
size: unitLen,
cts: 0,
duration: 0,
flags: {
isLeading: 0,
isDependedOn: 0,
hasRedundancy: 0,
degradPrio: 0,
dependsOn: 1
lastPTS = pts;
let lastSampleDuration = 0;
nbSamples = outputSamples.length;
// set last sample duration as being identical to previous sample
if (nbSamples >= 2) {
lastSampleDuration = outputSamples[nbSamples - 2].duration;
mp4Sample.duration = lastSampleDuration;
if (nbSamples) {
// next audio sample PTS should be equal to last sample PTS + duration
this.nextAudioPts = nextAudioPts = lastPTS + scaleFactor * lastSampleDuration;
// logger.log('Audio/PTS/PTSend:' + audioSample.pts.toFixed(0) + '/' + this.nextAacDts.toFixed(0));
track.samples = outputSamples;
if (rawMPEG) {
moof = new Uint8Array();
} else {
moof = MP4.moof(track.sequenceNumber++, firstPTS / scaleFactor, track);
track.samples = [];
const start = firstPTS / inputTimeScale;
const end = nextAudioPts / inputTimeScale;
const audioData = {
data1: moof,
data2: mdat,
startPTS: start,
endPTS: end,
startDTS: start,
endDTS: end,
type: 'audio',
hasAudio: true,
hasVideo: false,
nb: nbSamples
};, audioData);
return audioData;
return null;
remuxEmptyAudio (track, timeOffset, contiguous, videoData) {
let inputTimeScale = track.inputTimeScale;
let mp4timeScale = track.samplerate ? track.samplerate : inputTimeScale;
let scaleFactor = inputTimeScale / mp4timeScale;
let nextAudioPts = this.nextAudioPts;
// sync with video's timestamp
let startDTS = (nextAudioPts !== undefined ? nextAudioPts : videoData.startDTS * inputTimeScale) + this._initDTS;
let endDTS = videoData.endDTS * inputTimeScale + this._initDTS;
// one sample's duration value
let sampleDuration = 1024;
let frameDuration = scaleFactor * sampleDuration;
// samples count of this segment's duration
let nbSamples = Math.ceil((endDTS - startDTS) / frameDuration);
// silent frame
let silentFrame = AAC.getSilentFrame(track.manifestCodec || track.codec, track.channelCount);
logger.warn('remux empty Audio');
// Can't remux if we can't generate a silent frame...
if (!silentFrame) {
logger.trace('Unable to remuxEmptyAudio since we were unable to get a silent frame for given audio codec!');
let samples = [];
for (let i = 0; i < nbSamples; i++) {
let stamp = startDTS + i * frameDuration;
samples.push({ unit: silentFrame, pts: stamp, dts: stamp });
track.samples = samples;
this.remuxAudio(track, timeOffset, contiguous);
remuxID3 (track) {
const length = track.samples.length;
if (!length) {
const inputTimeScale = track.inputTimeScale;
const initPTS = this._initPTS;
const initDTS = this._initDTS;
// consume samples
for (let index = 0; index < length; index++) {
const sample = track.samples[index];
// setting id3 pts, dts to relative time
// using this._initPTS and this._initDTS to calculate relative time
sample.pts = ((sample.pts - initPTS) / inputTimeScale);
sample.dts = ((sample.dts - initDTS) / inputTimeScale);
}, {
samples: track.samples
track.samples = [];
remuxText (track) {
track.samples.sort(function (a, b) {
return (a.pts - b.pts);
let length = track.samples.length, sample;
const inputTimeScale = track.inputTimeScale;
const initPTS = this._initPTS;
// consume samples
if (length) {
for (let index = 0; index < length; index++) {
sample = track.samples[index];
// setting text pts, dts to relative time
// using this._initPTS and this._initDTS to calculate relative time
sample.pts = ((sample.pts - initPTS) / inputTimeScale);
}, {
samples: track.samples
track.samples = [];
_PTSNormalize (value, reference) {
let offset;
if (reference === undefined) {
return value;
if (reference < value) {
// - 2^33
offset = -8589934592;
} else {
// + 2^33
offset = 8589934592;
/* PTS is 33bit (from 0 to 2^33 -1)
if diff between value and reference is bigger than half of the amplitude (2^32) then it means that
PTS looping occured. fill the gap */
while (Math.abs(value - reference) > 4294967296) {
value += offset;
return value;
export default MP4Remuxer;